Getting out of my head and Into Action

Here you will find musings on life, family, friends, faith, recovery and pretty much anything else that comes to mind.  There will be a lot about running and probably a fair amount on various nerdy aspects of my life, Dungeons and Dragons, books, writing and games.


**A quick heads up that yes I am a former sailor so I have been known to use a curse a time or two though my proficiency has waned in my time off the water.**

I’m always up for some dialog so follow along and let me know what you have on your mind.


I am a lucky husband to an amazing woman and father of two beautiful kidsthat are already much smarter than me.  Family life is my life and I will talk about it because you know…kids are frustrating and wonderful in the very same breath.

I am a recovering alcoholic which is what inspired the blog title and I know the theme of doing will continue to pervade the blog. I am not here to give advice or how to in recovery but I am willing to share my story.  Maybe that will do something beneficial for somebody out there.

I am a runner (trails mostly), a DnD player and a Nurse.  So well, pretty much anything is fair game.

If you like what you see here stick around and share your thoughts.

See you on the trails!

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